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My Portfolio

Here, I will provide an overview of my stock portfolio, including brief descriptions of the stocks and links to any analyses I have conducted.



A shipping company that deals with dry bulk. They operate Newcastlemax vessels, pay monthly dividends, and have achieved very good debt control after selling two ships.

An interesting shipping company in which I own a small stake.

If you want a more thorough analysis, you can check my analysis [here].



A company involved in construction, ranging from roads to real estate. They have generally disappointed in the 2023-2024 period compared to companies like Veidekke, but historically, they have provided high dividends and grown rapidly on the top line. If they gain better control over their debt, I believe AF Gruppen is of great interest.



Yes... I own this company because of the ticker... Not entirely, but it is one of the reasons I wanted it. As for the company itself, it has clear cash flow and is generally an investment company. The results often do not look great, and they deliver low dividends. I view the company as relatively expensive, but it has some interesting companies in its portfolio and its own operations that generate profit, which reduces the risk somewhat. Note: PRICE RISK. The ticker is still good!


Arla Plast

Attempting to diversify into input goods, I don't own much, but it's a start. They deal with plastic, mainly for industrial purposes (sports, etc.).

They have had good growth, although the bottom line does not quite keep up.


Axfood AB

A Swedish grocery chain with several chains under the parent company. I generally like the company but always feel they are quite expensive. They have low margins and provide acceptable dividends.

I hope for a better entry point so I can invest more in this company.


B2 Impact

A debt collection company. I am not a fan of the balance sheet but find the cash flow quite strong. They provide decent dividends, and I hope they get their debt under control. Alternatively, I hope they take on contracts to collect money from themselves and generate some extra revenue from that.


B3 Consulting Group AB

A tech consulting company that struggled in 2023 and 2024. I have been part of the downturn, but I trust the company's owner, which is one of the reasons I have not exited. They are by no means the winners of 2023 and 2024, but it is generally a tough market for them at present. They recently made some acquisitions from Webstep if that is of interest.



A company that hasn't quite decided where it belongs. They are somewhat cyclical (quite cyclical) and somewhat defensive. They have had a hard time in recent years and show that they are not overly exposed to the salmon sector but really feel the pain in construction production. They could come into a good diversified position, but I find it very risky to invest further when the company needs to take out loans to pay off leasing costs.


Bilia AB

A company involved in many aspects of the automotive industry, including used cars, leasing, new cars, and repairs, to name a few. They pay quarterly dividends and appear relatively stable. They are not particularly enjoying the current climate.



A Norwegian consulting company that has grown well and performed well in 2022-2023 compared to other consulting firms. They are exposed to a few customers and could suddenly see a decline in their revenue, so this is something to watch.

Pays semi-annual dividends!



Yes, Byggma... One of my biggest losers, and I am actually invested here as well. They cut dividends in 2024, and the values they have in Norske Skog don't exactly help their results look any better. They are in a tough spot, and I hope they turn the trend around. Generally, I feel they have done a good job historically and hope they will recover after this period.

They sell materials for construction and building, for example.


ChemoMetec A/S

A Danish company (likely the next blog post on 31.05.2024). They deal with various things within the health and animal sectors. Generally, they have disappointed financially and are quite expensive. They are in an area where changes happen quickly, and I will closely monitor my investments here. Pays annual dividends.


This page is not finished, and more will be added when I feel like it!

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